Saturday, October 6, 2012

Ways to get a flat stomach - Health and Nutrition - Johannesburg - Gauteng - South Africa

ABOUT ME AND MY IDEA All started with me when I was in the apogee (age of 22) of my career as a soccer player. One unfortunate day during an important game I had a bad injury and after couple of months treatments the doctor’s decision was the worst I could have think about- to stop my sport career with immediate effect. So what now? The only other thing that I loved to do besides soccer was cooking, because my father was in the restaurant business all of his life and I grew up in the kitchens. I decided to finish a further studding for my new challenge and that’s how I started my career as a chef. The only problems this time were that after couple of years far from sport and close to food, guess what happened? Exactly- I was 116kg at some stage and unfit to do sport due to my weight. At least I was lucky that my sport injury was crucial for my professional career but not if I do sport for fitness and healthy reasons. So, one day already at age of 40 and 116kg of weight I have decided that is time for changes. I was specializing for all these years in healthy cooking and following the latest trends in health and healthy nutrition, sport-I never forgotten my sport inside me. So, this day I asked myself “why I am dedicating myself to health cooking and all my friends are nutritionists, doctors, homeopaths, dieticians and I am still over 100kg? What the hell am I doing?” I had to chose between get fit again or stay fat with my tummy hanging over my belt and finish my life miserably unfit and looking terrible. That’s how the idea of perfect weight loss program started. Then was a matter of time to get together with my friends, make a team and do something for people like me- with desire for good health, right nutrition and proper lifestyle. And we did it! I am a new man now! My family is proud of me. I don’t feel miserable next to my beautiful wife anymore. I am absolutely satisfied with my achievement, because now I can help other people too. I know the feelings when you are overweight and I am really happy to help! 
Stay slim and healthy